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This story starts with a guy named Shubham who is living with his sister and her husband as he is working in the same city where his sister is living. As normal, his life was not so exciting and adventures. He is leading a very simple life with a normal boring routine that includes departing for the work from home at 8:30 AM, reaching office at 8:50 AM and starting work in his cabin at 9:00 AM. After finishing his work, he usually stays for a while with his co-workers and then leave for home at 5:30 PM. Once he reaches home, he usually take some rest and refreshes his mind by listening music using his earphones. Then at the end of the day, he along with his sister and her husband have dinner together and they use to share their experiences and feelings from work and personal life at the table while enjoying dinner. They all spend time together on weekends by watching movies, going for shopping, picnics and hangouts to revive themselves and their mind apart from daily routine.

All of a sudden there is a situation which arise in this happy family which was like a puzzle for them to hold their trust and transparency among their relationship. So, one day Shubham came home from work in the evening as usual and there was no one in the house. He opened the lock of the house but forget to lock it again, he went inside the lobby and leave his office bag on the table which is placed in lobby.

After this he goes to washroom to take shower

Meanwhile, two thieves with the covered faces enter the house from the open door as he forgets to lock the door and starts stealing expensive stuff where they find out that they dropped their bag in the way and they don’t have any bag to carry the stuff.

Suddenly one of the thieves noticed the bag which is on the table.

They empty the bag on the table and left Shubham’s belongings on the table. After this they start filling the bag with the stuff they are stealing from the house.

As they were busy in stealing, promptly they hear a sound of door cracking that scares the robbers badly. They throw the bag on the table and ran outside from the same opened entrance door.

The sound comes from the washroom’s door because Shubham forget to take his towel with him earlier in the washroom. After this, Shubham takes the towel from outside and again goes to the washroom. After taking shower, he prepared tea for himself and take tea to his room where he wants to take some rest after his hectic schedule in the office hours. He doesn’t notice any messy environment in the lobby that is created by that two unknown persons.

After sometime, his sister and brother in law come to the home. They are very surprised on seeing the things here and there. They call Shubham to inquire about it but he says that he don’t know anything and tells that everything was normal when he came from office. While they are discussing for the situation, Shubham’s brother in law spotted his bag which is there on the table in the lobby. What he observed is that the bag is full of expensive stuff. He raises his voice in order to blame Shubham as he considers Shubham as the suspected person and he ask Shubham to tell the whole truth. Although Shubham’s sister trust him a lot but she can’t convinced her husband. Then she gets an idea to know about the transparency of the situation with the help of the CCTV footage as they have camera in the lobby. Even Shubham is very happy with this idea as he also wants to investigate the truth behind the whole scene. Finally they understand the truth about the two strangers with covered faces.

It is the CCTV footage that revealed the transparency of the circumstances produced and builds more trust among their relation. Sometimes, we doubt our trust which needs transparency to support it.

  • Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

    July 31, 2019 by

    This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click the… Read more

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